When you deal with ADHD or are otherwise neurodivergent it can be very difficult to focus - you might feel it is impossible to meditate. Perhaps you have tried your hand at it in the past to no avail. Fear not. There is more than one way to meditate and not all of them are obvious.
Let’s start by defining meditation: a practice to achieve a state of focus and calm. That’s it, there is no ‘blank mind’. Some people aim for this but this doesn’t have to be your aim, but if it is then this can be a starting point for you to eventually achieve that with dedication and practice.
Did you also know that meditation doesn’t have to be still or even silent? there is a practice called active meditation which involves movement such walking in circles, walking is a great way to meditate. Just try to focus on the sounds, sights and smells around you to keep you in the moment.
Now, let’s take this concept, and run with it:
Fidget Toys
Let’s talk about the obvious: Fidget toys. Many neurodivergent people have them - I certainly do. They can become meditation aids by allowing yourself to play with the toy and focusing on it as you do. Let yourself relax into the texture, motion, action and sounds of it.
Did you know that doing exercise can be meditative? I for instance find weight lifting to be rather helpful. The motion and counting keep me focused and I enter a form of trance.
If weights aren’t your thing no worries, most other forms of exercise can facilitate meditation, swimming for instance can be very grounding, next time you go for a swim focus on the sensations of the water, the bubbles, the sounds, you’ll find yourself lost in the moment not thinking about anything but the sensations.
Reading is another good way to get into meditation, it creates focus and concentration, these skills can be transferred to other meditative methods, and reading is just generally good for your brain!
Animals are another great way to meditate! If you have a pet or a friendly local animal then try spending time just focused on them, let yourself get lost in the way they look, feel and sound. I sometimes do meditative petting with my cat, Maxi. I listen to him purring as I pet him and really draw my focus to his fur.
Let the animal guide your session and when they say it’s time to stop, stop.
Of course there are many other methods, these are the ones I have found work for me personally, but please do further research if this is something that you feel might work for you.
Final Notes
Try giving yourself a routine to ensure you meditate regularly, it doesn't have to be every day if you don’t want to. As long as you stick to it you will find you improve - as they say practice makes perfect.
Try to meditate in the same place each time to associate focus with that place. If you struggle with meditation at first, don’t let this dishearten you, you can start with a very short one minute meditation and go from there. If you find your attention wandering that’s okay, just bring yourself back to whatever it is you are focusing on - or take a break.
Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, you haven’t failed if you start thinking or loose concentration, it’s not a competition - it’s a practice. You will improve over time.
Olievah - Open Reiki
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